Thursday, June 11, 2009

Going Home ( 26th May - 10th June 2009 )

Going home with a joyful heart, the blood is pumping out of the normal rate because of over excited I guess. The reason why I feel so happy and excited because I've done my CA2 and I start flying.
I've much more things to share with my family members and friends..I can crap more ^0^
First time flying with MAS from Bintulu to Kuala Lumpur, it was nice and comfortable. The meal served during the flight was Satay Rice with desserts, it tasted OK and I enjoyed the flight very much.
I was hoping to see my family members and friends as soon as I can after 2 months from the previous trip back to KL.
I was surprised that my house was actually under renovation, I thought I was in the wrong street. Non of them tell me earlier...Anyway, I love the new look so much.
First outing with Gie and Danny, had some cupcakes in Wonder Milk, continued with shopping, shopping, eating, eating, and shopping again..
I enjoyed this trip so much and I bought new camera too ( Superheadz White Slim Angel ) ^^
besides, I ahve got so many presents from friends and family. Thanks everyone who did it.
I really appreciate it a lot..
We had a BBQ in Danny's place on 8th June, 2 days before my departure back to Bintulu T.T
Went for a supper in somewhere nearby Sunway with my twin brother, Danny, Roland and Mag until very late..
The day after, went to Sunway Pyramid with Choon Seng for lunch in McD and shopped..AGAIN~~~Later, met up with Gie and Danny and went to get the new cameras in Wangsa Maju. This place recalled a lot of my sweet memories..I've stayed there for my college life and I definately miss it so much.We went home to have our dinner after getting the cameras.
Guess what after dinner?? Murni ~~~~~~
It is time to say goodbye to everyone in KL again..seeing you guys in 3 months later.
I am going to miss you all so much..I always wanted to see you guys..

Miss Home .

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