Sunday, August 9, 2009

Thanks Danny

Yeah, we knew each other since August 2006 during our A Level course.
Excatly 3 years back, still remember we had the same dream of becoming an airlines pilot. But you didn't attend neither lectures nor tutorials, I was the one who went to your place and begged to go to college, called and wake you up very morning before I leave my house...Haha, that was so funny....
Afterall, we are still so close ah.... of course we are close with the later comer. Maggie Goh.....
Thanks for the entry in your blog, Danny same goes to Maggie.



  1. can't you choose nicer pictures to post??

  2. sure sure ^^

    but do u hv to mention tat i din go to lectures or tutorials? damn it... not the main point XD

  3. hes seeking revenge in another way XP
