Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Time Passes By Real Fast

I really miss the time we spent together, having meals, shopping, watching movies, sleeping together, chatting and so much more...especially the candle light dinner we had at home. Thanks to Danny which cooked it super nice >,<
You guys are my best friends for the rest of my life I PROMISED..
I love you guys: Danny, Mag-Gie and OO.
Here is the moment we spent together....Smile ^^

Monday, September 28, 2009

Developed The Films From Golden Half Finally

The photographs captured with my Golden Half just look great and the colour of those photograph really surprise me! The photographs which came out in vivid colour was captured with a roll of slide film..

visit here for the photographs that I have captured

Sunday, September 27, 2009


现在的心情很沉重,因为回去过后还需要等三个月才能够再回家,而且在那里就要回到坐在课室里从早读书读到晚上的生活了。。。真的很不喜欢,因为为期三个月的 CA6 会有六科不同的科目要读,例如:天文学理论,实际天文学,导航,飞行策略,仪器,无线电通讯。。。还有很多很多的资料需要温习,可能每个月只能上一次互联网。


Thursday, September 3, 2009

唱 K 咯 ^3^

31st August 2009

这间位于Sunway Pyramid 的 Amp Square 真的还不错,便宜到烂,还有比(红盒)还好吃的东西,从早上十一点唱到下午四点半。。你说不哑也还真的蛮难。。
然后就去吃Nando's , 快要被辣死在那里了。。

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Bought A Colorsplash For GO.go

Hey GO.go, how do you feel with your new partner?
I guess you should be very happy and working out hard to sustain a good relationship with your beloved Splashy?
She looks great with you, and I know you guys would work better for me. .
Can't wait to see the develope films taken with Go.go + Splashy.

Colorsplash + Golden Half